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Haydon School’s Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Offer.

Haydon School’s SEND information report is designed to be easy to access and provide all the information you may require. If you cannot find the information you need you can contact us directly on 0208 429 0005 or via the website contact form, where we will be happy to answer your questions.

Latest Information

Welcome to Haydon Hive

Support for students with SEND is based upstairs the Haydon Hive. Support is delivered from the Link Team. 

Our Approach/Admissions

Haydon School is a fully inclusive school and is committed to ensuring that all students, irrespective of any disability and/or special need, are able to thrive by accessing an appropriate, engaging and aspirational curriculum.  The aim is always to raise achievement through meeting the academic, social and emotional needs of all students, including those with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).

Our approach is in-line and has regard to the Special Educational Needs and Disability Code of Practice: 0 – 25 years (June 2014).


Students have special educational needs if they have a difficulty accessing the curriculum, temporary or more long-term, which calls for special educational provision to be made for them.

Students have difficulty accessing the curriculum if they:

  • Have significant difficulties in learning in comparison with the majority of children of the same age.
  • Have a disability which prevents or hinders them from making use of educational facilities of a kind generally provided for children of the same age.

Who can you speak to about SEND?

  • Subject teacher and Head of Faculty – responsible for planning the curriculum, differentiation and assessing your child’s progress.
  • Heads of Year – responsible for personal social development and health education.  Heads of Year are also responsible for tracking and supporting academic progress.
  • Judith Evans, Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO), supported by Alison Casey, Administration Assistant & Keyworker. We coordinate all the SEND support and intervention in the school, including keeping families informed, holding SEND reviews and liaising with all agencies involved with your child. Robert Jones, Head teacher – responsible for the day to day aspects of the school and all the arrangements for students with SEND. The Head teacher has to report to the Governing Body on all aspects of SEND in the school.
  • SEND Governor Melissa Burrell is responsible for making sure the necessary support is made for every student with SEND, who attends school.

How will the school help my child get ready to start at Haydon?

In the term leading up to transferring to Haydon Link staff will accompany pastoral staff in visiting the primary schools of our new students. We will share information to make the transfer as smooth as possible. Most students will need just the one taster day at Haydon but others may need extra visits. Parents are welcome to speak with the SENCO before their child starts to discuss any individual concerns. We welcome visits from parents whose children have SEND, as early as Year 5.

How does the school know if my child might need extra help and what should I do if I think my child may have SEND?

On entry to Haydon School all students undertake a series of screening tests for literacy and reasoning. We use this in conjunction with KS2 data and primary feeder information to identify those who we feel will benefit from additional support.

Additionally, special educational provision may be triggered when students fail to achieve adequate progress, despite having had access to a differentiated programme. Appropriate provision to meet the student’s individual need(s) will then be made. If we have identified a special educational need your child will be placed on our SEND list where we will monitor the support. You will be notified in writing if an intervention is being offered.

Haydon School’s Categorisation of Need in Line with SEND Reforms 2014

M - Monitoring

Some students may be placed at K2 to share a diagnosis and information will be shared in how to support this need.

K – Complex/Severe (this will come up on SIMS as SEND Support)

In addition to ‘Quality First Teaching’ the student is in receipt of intervention.  Information regarding the student’s needs is shared through a Student Passport.

E – In receipt of an Education and Health Care Plan (EHCP)

An EHC Plan is a document which details a young person’s special educational needs.   In essence, it outlines the provision which the LA considers necessary to meet the special educational needs of the child, the objectives which the special educational provision should aim to meet, and the arrangements to be made for monitoring progress in meeting those objectives in order to achieve the young person’s and parent/carers desired outcomes. 

Educational Health Plans are mainly issued for students with complex and multiple needs or severe medical conditions. The area of needs are:

  • Cognition and Learning
  • Communication and Interaction
  • Physical and Sensory needs
  • Emotional, social and mental health needs

Students with an EHCP have had a history of exceptionally poor progress.  This may be indicated by:

  • Little or no progress despite the use of targeted teaching approaches and a differentiated curriculum.
  • Working at levels significantly below age expectations, particularly in Literacy or Numeracy.
  • Presenting persistent emotional and/or behavioural difficulties, which have not been managed by appropriate strategies usually employed.
  • Sensory or physical impairments that result in little progress despite the provision of appropriate aids or equipment.
  • Poor communication or interaction, requiring specific interactions and adaptations to access learning.


If you have concerns regarding your child’s progress and feel they have a special educational need that hasn’t been picked up then contact us and we will be happy to discuss and share information.

What support is offered for students with SEND?

Support may be offered to students through a variety of ways. We are constantly monitoring the impact of our interventions so these groups may change.

  • Targeted in-class support
  • Small group literacy lessons
  • 1-1 literacy support
  • Form time literacy lessons
  • Group social skills lessons
  • 1-1 support for communication skills difficulties
  • Auxiliary aids recommended by sensory and OT specialists

In line with current research our Teaching Assistants provide support to the class teacher so that the teacher provides their expertise to the student. Our aim is for all students to develop their skills to progress independently and learn for life.

How will the school let parents/ carers know about students’ identified needs and support?

Any concerns regarding progress or a new identification of need is relayed to parents in writing explaining the support that is being put in place. Haydon School has an open door policy and parents and careers are always welcome to contact us to arrange a meeting.

How will the school consult with students with SEND and involve them in their education?

Students in receipt of SEND support or who have additional specific needs will take part in the production of a Student Passport.  The passport is drawn up collaboratively between the student, a member of the Link Team, parents and using specialist recommended strategies.  This information is reviewed termly with the student and targets are set to aid progress based on subject teacher assessment.

How will I know how well my child is doing and how will you help me to support my child's learning?

Our arrangements for reviewing the progress of pupils with SEND are as follows:

The progress of pupils with SEND is reviewed as part of our whole school quality assurance policy. Termly assessments are made in all subjects and the data is collated and reports sent home. Within school faculty leaders, Year leaders and the SENCO will analyse the data to monitor progress. Where concerns arise investigations take place to ascertain what form of intervention may be needed to support the student. This information, along with on-entry data and external reports, contributes to forming the SEND list. Students with an identified need, over and above first quality classroom provision, will be recorded on the SEND list. This is reviewed at each data drop. The Student Passports (1 page profiles detailing student needs, feelings and strategies) also form part of the review process and are updated termly encompassing target setting to promote progress.

Meetings are held with parents/carers to share ways of supporting your child’s needs. When additional support is put in place it is reviewed following the graduated approach: assess, plan, do, review. (Graduated Approach)

How and who do I talk to if my child is not getting the support they need?

Haydon School has an open door policy and parents and carers are always welcome to contact us to arrange a meeting.

Click here for our Complaints Policy

Click here for the Formal Complaint Form

How will the curriculum be matched to my child's needs?

All staff at Haydon School are responsible for the education, development and support of young people with SEND through delivery of an appropriately differentiated curriculum. Staff training and specialist strategy information sharing supports this. Student Passports are shared with staff in order for adaptations to the curriculum to be made.

Additionally, using screening test data and ongoing information from staff we can closely monitor your child’s needs. With both parents/carers and the child at the heart of the discussion, some students may be offered a modified curriculum to further support their needs.

What support is there for parents and carers?

Pastoral staff and Haydon Hive staff are happy to answer queries regarding individual support. We are also proud to say that our Parents Support Group will now resume. We have close links with the Centre for ADHD and Autism Support (CAAS) in Eastcote as well as Hillingdon Autistic Care and Support (HACS) and the Parent Carers Forum. We regularly display parent support group information on our website advising of courses and places to go for advice. (See SEND Workshop and Event Page on Right Column)

Allocation of Resources

Delegated funding is allocated to support SEND students’ needs, this may include: support staffing, in-class support and additional materials such as targeted on-line programmes.

How will my child be included in activities outside of the classroom including school trips?

Along with our inclusive ethos we aim to provide equal opportunities for all students regardless of their SEND.  We will always use our best endeavours to ensure there are no barriers to being able to attend external trips.

How accessible is the setting environment?

Haydon School is made up of 6 buildings, interconnected, on a large multi-levelled site. There is wheelchair access (internal and in some cases external only) to and around the site and there are lifts to access all floors.  (Link to Site Map )

What specialist services and expertise are available or accessed by the setting?

Haydon Hive staff will liaise with a wide range of specialists to seek advice and support whenever needed. These are a few that we regularly work with but we welcome collaboration with other specialists as and when the need arises.

  • Speech and Language Therapy Service
  • Educational Psychologist
  • Visual Impairment Team
  • Hearing Impairment Team
  • Language Advisory Team
  • Autism Advisory Team

What training have the staff supporting children with SEND had or are having?

Training on many aspects of SEND is delivered to staff on a yearly rolling programme. This is delivered by external specialists e.g. our educational psychologist and speech and language therapists and also internal specialist staff on specific needs such as autism, dyslexia and dyspraxia. In addition to this many staff will attend external training to ensure current best practice is followed.  The Link Department works closely with Hillingdon’s Inclusion Team.

How will the school help my child get ready to start college / work?

Support for the next stages after school take place early on. Students receive support and guidance during Year 9 when the options process takes place. Some students with SEND will require more support making choices and finding a curriculum to meet their needs. The Link team work closely with the Year teams and careers advisor at this point. More discussions take place in Year 11. We have a close relationship with Uxbridge College and arrange taster sessions and visits for those students who need it.

What are Access Arrangements and how will I find out if my child needs them?

Access Arrangements and reasonable adjustments are made in public examinations and assessments for students with persistent and significant difficulties. Access Arrangements are to ensure that students are able to demonstrate their skills, knowledge and understanding in examinations, for example, by providing large print papers for students with visual impairments. Students may receive access arrangements and reasonable adjustments for a number of reasons, including:

  • A permanent (long-term) disability or medical condition lasting more than a year
  • A temporary (short-term) illness or injury

There are numerous Access Arrangements and students may be given one or more of these according to need. The process for granting an access arrangement and the evidence required may vary according to each subject examined. The criteria for granting Access Arrangements in examinations are rigorous. Access Arrangements are only given to students with verifiable, provable evidence gathered from a variety of sources including:

  • A history of need and provision
  • Haydon assessment data
  • Teacher and support assistant observations
  • Assessments and diagnostic report from an educational psychologist employed by the school or a student’s LA
  • Assessments and diagnostic report from a specialist assessment teacher employed by the school
  • An EHCP
  • A diagnostic report from medical specialists such as a student’s hospital consultant, occupational therapist, GP or other registered medical professional (a GP report on its own is insufficient evidence).

For further guidance read the Access Arrangements policy (Link)

A Link to the London Borough of Hillingdon Local Offer Page (Link)

Accessibility Plan (Link)

We welcome visits from parents whose children have SEND, as early as Year 5