Careers & Employability
At Haydon school, we recognise the significance of meaningful and comprehensive careers education, which provides all our students with the knowledge and the skills to understand the opportunities and pathways available to them.
Haydon School’s careers provision aims to enable students to make well informed, realistic choices about their future, in line with the Gatsby Benchmarks and in compliance with the Baker Clause which came into force January 2018.
To learn more about our careers programme for each year group, please use the link below
Click here for the School Careers Plan
Key staff:
For impartial one-to-one advice and guidance regarding future careers and education:
Independent Careers Adviser: Mrs J Shah
Mrs Shah is in school on Wednesdays and Fridays
For information about how Haydon’s Career Policy and provision is implemented:
Assistant Headteacher: Mr D Gosling
How could you support our Careers Programme?
Deliver a talk to our students, in regard to your profession, your own career journey or your company
Take part in interactive workshops, supporting our students with their employability skills
Take part in our Careers fairs, to showcase your company and your skills and knowledge
Join Haydon’s alumni through Future First
Offer opportunities during Work Experience days
How do we measure impact?
We measure and assess the impact of our careers programme on pupils through an annual careers evaluation impact report produced by an independent third party from the Education Development Trust.
Additionally, we measure the impact through student and parent surveys, individual student feedback on each career one-to-one session that they participate in, and evaluation forms completed by participants after career events and options evenings.
Useful websites:
Unifrog brings all the available information into one comprehensive, user-friendly platform that helps students make the best choices, and submit the strongest applications.
All the information and tools you need to explore your future career, from choosing GCSE options through to university, apprenticeships opportunities and careers.
UCAS connects people to University. Explore all university courses available and find out what their entry requirements are, and how to apply.
Find out about T Levels, as an alternative to A levels, other post-16 courses or an apprenticeship.
Find and apply to UK apprenticeship programs with leading apprentice employers and training providers.
The National Careers Service provides high quality, free and impartial careers advice, information and guidance. The service is available to anyone aged 13+ no matter what stage of the careers journey you're at.
- Creating an Effective Study Plan:
- Studying Smart Before Exams:
- Taking Effective Notes:
- Managing Stress:
- Utilising Test-Taking Strategies:
- Apprenticeship Resources by State: