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#WeAreHaydon Home Challenges

Read more about our #WeAreHaydon @HomeChallenge 

Dear Parents, Carers

In the current climate we as a school feel more than ever that Haydon’s values could not be more relevant.  Whilst I am aware that your child will have had a considerable amount of work set electronically over the last two weeks, the purpose of this challenge is not to add to the sense of work to complete.  This is an opportunity for your child to reflect on the positive things they have done so far, and can do to help support you as parents and carers and also maintain a sense of community around them at this unprecedented time.

Attached to this letter is a list of 32 suggested tasks as a starting point.  Students are welcome to add their own tasks to this list and to be as creative as possible in completing tasks that they think help embody one of our school values.  The tasks should then be entered into the attached booklet as a way of logging completion, using photos descriptions and or video clips if appropriate.

To support this, each week a different Year Leader will set a Haydon Challenge of the week for the whole school community to try, which will be sent via e-mail.  Students should submit entries to their Year Leader’s e-mail address, where the best one will be chosen and a prize sent home.

The first challenge has been set by Head of Year 8 Mr Francis, who asked that students have to recite as many elements of the periodic table in one go.  Extra credit will be given for the most imaginative video or style with which the elements are recited.  Mr Knowles (Head of Year 10) and Mr Maclean (Head of Year 7) show that you certainly do not need to know many at all to give it a go (please use the link below)!

Your child’s year leaders and I look forward to receiving your Haydon Challenge entries, and please share your booklets as you complete them, so the Year Teams can keep up to date with the wonderful work you are all completing.

Thank you in advance for your support

Dan Gooch